Maggie's mishaps
So recently Will has been trying to train Maggie, our miniature dachshund, to walk on a leash. She was so rebellious and defiant at the beginning that she would lay on the ground with her paws holding her back and he would literally pull her until she couldn't breathe and then she would run a little to catch up and then over again. After many episodes of the Dog Whisperer, he has learned how to do it and Maggie has become a pro. We have tried to take her for a walk almost every night because it really calms her down and gets her ready for bed. After we get back, she usually collapses on the carpet, grass, rug, etc. from exhaustion. It works perfectly! BUT, 3 nights in a row as we were walking, she was misbehaving. She was trying to get away and pulling really hard on her leash. We just thought she was being bad, but then all of a sudden, she stopped in the middle of the road and pooped! We didn't have time to move her to the grass or anything. Oh my word, 3 nights in a row, in the middle of the road. We laughed really hard, but then realized we didn't have anything to clean it up with so we just left it. I'm afraid that someone is going to figure out that it is her and say something to us. So finally on the 4th night, we let her play in the yard for a minute and she got it all out before we started walking. She is a funny dog! I was going to try to attach the video of Will pulling her around on the leash, but I got an error when uploading it so maybe next time.
HA! That is pretty funny. Ya'll are going to be known as the couple with the dog that poops all the time.
Julie Young, At
August 17, 2007 at 7:24 AM
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