Soup of the day

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cake Crisis

Me & Ginger, the guest of honor

Oh my word, what a day I had yesterday! I was hosting Ginger's baby shower for Ryder last night so I busied myself cleaning and getting things hidden to be presentable! Will ran to Sam's at lunch to pick up the cake and some lunch for us and he immediately called me when he had the cake in his hands. He said, "I just took a picture of the cake and I think you should check your email. I don't think you're going to like it". I went into panic mode and quickly went to the computer where I opened up the file and couldn't believe my eyes. Brace yourself!

Really Sam's?? No Thanks!

This is the cake I'm supposed to put on my table for the baby shower tonight? Are you kidding me? He has got to be on candid camera. It was insanely ridiculous! I couldn't believe they expected us to be happy with that! I was furious and after giving my piece to Will, he hung up and took care of it. He spoke with the manager (a man of all things) and Will just asked him if we could have a plain white cake to ice ourselves. He agreed and called the bakery to let her know. When Will got back there she said, "You didn't have to call the manager". He felt terrible. She had gotten her feelings hurt but he didn't know how to tell her it was awful! He just explained tha the needed to work the payment out with the manager and wasn't sure if we were bound to this cake or not, etc. She gave him the cake and he went on his merry way. He talked to Tricia Trousdale who works there and she totally helped him out. She couldn't believe the picture he showed her and the other girls there and we ended up getting the cake for half price. Talk about a good husband. First of all, he knew that it was awful and I would not be happy and secondly, he totally took care of the situation! Thanks baby!

2 hours later my dearest friend, Scarlett, arrived at my house to fix this little problem. She brought her extreme cake decorating toolbox and got to work. She drew out a plan, whipped up some icing and made this cake happen! Here was the final result! Exactly what I wanted from the start! Thanks Scarlett, I owe you big time!

Scarlett's my hero!

I showed Ginger and all the other guests the picture last night and they laughed so hard. They couldn't believe it either! It all worked out!

And yes I know in the grand scheme of life that this is totally not important but I wanted it to be decent for the guest of honor! And it was!

We can't wait to meet baby Ryder when he gets here!!
Also, I have absolutely no voice this morning! I sounded terrible yesterday but today I can't talk at all. I am waiting on the doctor's office to call me back and let me know what I can take!