Soup of the day

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring break and more


The girls riding side by side
Tyler and Carley

It seems like so much has happened since the last post so I'm going to try to fill you in. Amy and the kids were here for spring break which is always fun. The twins are as beautiful and grown up as I've ever seen them. They are very funny but also very mannerly. Reagan is a wild hoot. He has more energy than any kid I've ever seen. He is so funny with some of the things he comes up with. He bounces from one thing to another in no time. Carley is the most smiling baby I've ever seen. She is so generous with her smiles and I take every one I can get. She and Callan are going to be the best of friends. I'll post some pictures from the week. We went to Mars Hill and let the kids play ball and enjoy the outdoors

ate tons of Fox's pizza (our favorite), enjoyed an afternoon at Paw Paw's, had dinner, did a scavenger hunt and played basketball at our house (the boys spent the night and built a fort),
The girls sleeping together
The boys and their fort

fed the horses
and enjoyed Easter Sunday together. Amy thought they were flying back on the Saturday before Easter but it turned out that they weren't leaving until Easter. Glad someone looked it up.
They left on Sunday after church and Will, Callan, and me went to Granny's for Easter lunch. What a feast! There are so many good cooks in that family. We got a few Easter pics, most of which Callan wasn't smiling or looking.
Easter Sunday

The week post Amy's visit was a little more relaxed. Will finished off baseball season this past weekend with a loss to Cleveland. I always enjoy it when I get to go, but I also get my husband back every afternoon now and that is worth it. We have already gotten to spend some good time together in the afternoons walking, swinging, and blowing bubble on the golf course with Callan. Callan is cutting her 8th and possibly 9th and 10th teeth. I can't tell exactly how many because she doesn't like for me to look but there are a bunch. She is still very picky about her solid foods despite how many teeth she has. She is pulling up on everything and loves to walk while holding your hands (not very steady but at least she tries). She is a huge fan of her duck bath and hates getting out.
Everytime Will tries to pick her up to hand her to me to dry her off she turns toward the back of the tub and tries to grab ahold of the duck (Suzie).
She also got to try out her new pink swing Granman and Nana got her for her birthday. Will hung it up yesterday and she loved it. She would have stayed there all night.
Well, I think that about sums it up for spring break. We are getting new countertops for our kitchen next Monday so I will hopefully post some before and after photos and some pics of the house.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jules the mechanic

Here's a little tribute to my friend Julie Young. We all know what a dear, sweet friend she is with her witty sense of humor and super smart mind good for remembering birthdays but did you know that she is also a mechanic? Last night at our ever popular girls' night out at Logan's (all 3 of us that attended-me and the Julie's) I left my lights on in the Explorer. I'm not used to driving that car and it didn't ding when I got out so I didn't even think about it. After a wonderful meal and some great conversation with the girls, me and Julie Y. were headed out to the middle of nowhere where we had parked when I noticed that I left the lights on. I commented that I'm sure it wouldn't crank but Jules assured me it would. Well, I was right! I got in the car and "click", nothing. I quickly called Jules before she got to far and being the super smart gal she is, she had a set of jumper cables in her trunk. Even better, she knew how to use them! My marketing degree got me nowhere. Should have been an engineer-that's funny even to think about. Anyway, I popped the hood, we searched for 5 minutes for the release button under the hood and finally after calling Will, found it in a not so obvious spot. Jules had her hooked up and running in no time. This is my thanks to Julie for being such a good, smart friend. Thanks for the hookup!!