A new day
Well, I thought I might blog and fill you in on Callan's last minute appt. yesterday. I feel like a different person. We saw Dr. Hamilton yesterday morning about her crying while nursing and refusing to take the bottle and basically in the first 3 sentences he said we were going to start formula and solids because she wasn't big enough. We have already been doing cereal and it has helped her gain a little weight but now he thinks the solids will help even more. He told me that he thought I had skim milk instead of buttermilk (ha) so I am supposed to quit nursing. I am pumping a couple of times a day for a few days to ease my discomfort but other than that I am very excited about not having to fight my child nursing or pump all day long. She weighed 11 lbs. 3 oz. which is still not good for her age but at least she is growing. We also cut bigger holes in the nipples of her bottles to help her get it faster. After watching her take a bottle (which she wouldn't) and watching her eat cereal (which she ate like crazy), he called her a maniac barracuda and decided she wasn't getting it fast enough from the bottle which is why she loves the spoon. Hopefully these changes will really help her pack on the pounds. She's got so many clothes I hope she can hurry up and wear them before the weather changes.
So last night Jack, Kimberly, and Henry came over for dinner and afterwards me and Kimberly spent a couple of interesting hours in the kitchen making Callan's baby food. She had done it with Henry so I was excited to be learning from a professional. We blended apples, bananas, mangoes, pears, squash, zucchini, and peas, and I still have avocado to do. It was a lot of work but I am excited about the benefits. She said we had made enough food in just a couple of hours to last at least a month if not more. I am excited to try some of it out. I am going out of town though so I will be buying some food for our travels. I am not about to thaw out, warm up, etc. while on the road. Hopefully I can continue making the food for a while (until she is eating more than I can make). At one point in the night Kimberly decided to see how apples would look on the floor (the blender messed up) so a whole bag of cut up, blended apples ended up on my kitchen floor, cabinets, rug, and Kimberly's legs. I think it was God's way of telling me my floor needing cleaning and I was avoiding it until last night. It was a fun experience though and I look forward to saving a little money from doing it! Here are some pictures of my food after I blended it and poured it into the ice cube trays. Pretty colorful!

Thanks again for all the prayers, calls and emails about C. We are excited to hopefully put some weight on our child and I feel a huge relief from all my nursing issues.